1. 1-bit Loneliness By Joseph Horak Mac Os 11
  2. 1-bit Loneliness By Joseph Horak Mac Os Pro
  3. 1-bit Loneliness By Joseph Horak Mac Os 7
  4. 1-bit Loneliness By Joseph Horak Mac Os Update

“Well everyone it has been a good friend while it lasted but I am finally saying goodbye to Facebook, forever. I am migrating to other social networks and will communicate through those means. Also I still maintain my website (I am not a hard man to find). I will keep this profile up until after the holidays. Laterz”

This was my last Facebook profile post before I permanently closed my account in early January 2013. I had been a member of Facebook since mid-2008 which was shortly after my wife created her own account. Over the past four years I had uploaded a decent amount of family pictures to my profile, had over 300 people in my friends list, and had spent countless hours posting, re-posting, sharing, typing, and butting into various conversations and dialogue on hundreds (if not thousands) of other Facebook profiles. Most of the people I interacted with on Facebook I personally knew at one point or another either from my own experience or through my family and friends; others I did not. I shared my personal views, offered advice, posted jokes and funny comments, and tons of other things. Some of the things I posted were important, but most were not.

Facebook had been a part of my life, as well as my entire family’s life, for almost five years. It used to be a great place to share. It was clean, simple, and easy to use. But like our society, Facebook has evolved and transformed into an ugly and vile place – which is something that I think Facebook was never originally intended to be. To me, Facebook was supposed to be a safe place to connect with friends and peers that only you want to allow into your “circle of trust” [gratuitous ‘Meet the Parents’ reference]. But over the years, the circle of trust idea has exploded into something that I can barely explain. I can’t blame Zuck and his dev teams for what has happened to this amazing social system. Facebook members are what makes Facebook the type of experience it is today. Facebook is a free ecosystem – It is only as good as the people that support it which are its members. And a majority of people no longer make it an enjoyable place to spend my time. The reasons of why I closed my account are many, but there are three primary reasons why I closed my account.

  • List of MIDIs that are related to the Tomcraft - Loneliness.mid' MIDI file.
  • Soloveitchik, the rabbi known as “The Rav” by his followers worldwide, was a leading authority on the meaning of Jewish law and prominent force in building bridges between traditional Orthodox Judaism and the modern world.

This book is about the measures that must be taken, the obstacles that are encountered, and the limitations that result when data are to be moved wirelessly from place to place. The book is focused on local and personal area networks—LANs.

The idea of closing my Facebook account came about during the 2012 American political election season. During the debates, the internet was rife with various opinions and ideas, and so was Facebook. I came to expect certain things to be said about each side. But this election cycle’s comments and actions by far seemed to be the most… bold… compared to what I have experienced in the past. I kept fairly quiet during the entire election cycle having only a single comment about the final Presidential Debate in October which, to my delight, did not spark any controversy. I had quietly viewed some of my family and friends’ profiles without leaving comments but decided to stop posting anything. After the elections were over, I rarely logged into my account, but I did update with short and simple comments whenever I logged in. It wasn’t until after the Sandy Hook shootings that I finally decided to close my account.

The main reason why I closed my account is that it is impossible to have an intelligent conversation with anyone on Facebook anymore. You can no longer say simple things like “Praise God!” without someone responding with a comment that says something like “There is no God you idiot. God is for dumb people and you are the epitome of stupidity. Take your God comments and go somewhere else.” You are no longer allowed to agree with a political view such as “Repeal the Obama Healthcare law.” without someone saying very bluntly “You are a racist for not wanting the law. You suck and I hope you die!”. And don’t even bother trying to comment about gun control or abortion, positive or negative. Forget about making comments on someone’s world-view, philosophy, trying to comment on truth, fact or fiction, or anything meaningful for that matter. Facebook is now a rant-fest and it is incredibly depressing. It has become a rally point for those looking for some type of acceptance. Most of these people will say and do anything to get attention, or to get someone to follow andor agree to their point of view.

Respect or etiquette on Facebook has long been stripped from most contributor comments. I have found that the uneducated and uninformed let their true colors come out on Facebook more than anyone else. In their mind no one is entitled to an opinion because “I am right and you are wrong and that’s the way it is.” Dissention is not allowed and debating a viewpoint is no longer welcome. I believe that this has to do with the way our society now behaves in general which has trickled down into the social networks (or have come from the social networks for that matter). Social networks have empowered people to say and do what they want, how they want, whenever they want, and to whomever they want to say it to without the fear of any consequences. Because “hey, this is the internet right? And the internet is freedom of speech right?”… People have come to believe that they no longer have to account for their own actions, beliefs, or comments anymore – especially on social networks. This is drama that I simply do not need to be a part of, nor support.


The last reason of why I closed my Facebook account is this realization about “social networks” in general. We are becoming a society of disconnectedness. Somehow we have come to believe that having a smartphone, watching CNN or FoxNews on cable TV, having multiple email accounts, tweeting the latest news, having the largest amount of ‘friends’ on social networks, and knowing the latest and greatest up-to-date information from social networks makes us more connected than ever. But it is a lie. The more you focus on keeping your social network status up to date the more you will become personally disconnected from your family and peers and, in effect, forces your mind to become shut off from the world. This is what leads to depression, addiction, and loneliness. Do you now see what information overload does? Don’t take my word for it, look up the various articles and studies yourself. Pick up the phone and actually call someone. Don’t text, CALL THEM. Say hello. Have a real conversation. Meet up with a friend, in person, and catch up face to face.

So what now?


I don’t see opinionated comments anymore, unsettling pictures, or people trolling through some of my old posts and revisiting things (stuff from the past) that I don’t need to talk about anymore. After closing my Facebook account, I can say that I am a happier man. I am spending more time with my family and I am actually having more face to face conversations. I am on the phone talking with my parents and friends instead of typing quick little comments on their Facebook WallTimeline. I don’t worry any more about what someone may have said, or might say. And you know what? I don’t miss Facebook. Not one bit.

Facebook is the first social network that I have completely severed my ties with. If my Twitter profile ever gets to the extreme like I had with Facebook, I will probably abandon that as well, and then Google+ if that gets out of hand, and then LinkedIn, and so on. I do wish Facebook and everyone on the social network well. But I have chosen to no longer be victim to the drama that plagues Facebook Timelines…

Now, this is only my opinion and may be more of a problem with our society in general. But nonetheless, Facebook members are composed of the people in our society. In effect, our society makes Facebook what it is.

– Joe

It was the summer of 2014, and I was pursuing my Masters’ degree in Jewish Education and Administration at the Azrieli Graduate School of Yeshiva University. The institution’s hybrid nature intrigued me, and I developed a keen desire to understand its underpinnings and history.

Late one night, as I sat hunched over a pile of books in the Gottesman library engaged in some fascinating research, a rare photograph caught my eye.

The photograph, taken in 1974, portrayed Rabbi Dr. Samuel Belkin, erstwhile president of Yeshiva University, standing together with Hacham Ovadia Yosef (former Sephardic Chief Rabbi of the State of Israel), and Rabbi Dr. Joseph B. Soloveitchik. The thought struck me that although I was highly knowledgeable about the life and legacy of Hacham Ovadia Yosef, I knew nothing at all about Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik. This notion perturbed me, and I felt driven to learn more. When I read his famous philosophical essay, The Lonely Man of Faith, I knew I had found an influencer who would impact my life.

Yeshiva University – Centre Left to right: Rabbi Dr. Samuel Belkin, president; Hacham Ovadia Yosef; and Rabbi Dr. Joseph B. Soloveitchik (Courtesy, via Yeshiva University Archives)

Rabbi Dr. Joseph B. Soloveitchik

Rabbi Dr. Joseph B. Soloveitchik (1903-1993), known as “The Rav” by his followers, was a major American Orthodox rabbi, Talmudist, and modern Jewish philosopher. He dealt extensively with the meaning of Jewish law, and notably helped mediate between traditional Orthodox Judaism and the modern world. Rabbi Soloveitchik founded the Maimonides School in Boston where he resided, and for many years made the commute to New York City to teach at Yeshiva University. He was Rosh Yeshiva of Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary at Yeshiva University.

Rabbi Dr. Joseph B. Soloveitchik (Courtesy, via Yeshiva University Archives)

The Lonely Man of Faith

In The Lonely Man of Faith, first published as an essay in Tradition magazine in 1965, Rabbi Soloveitchik investigates the essential loneliness of the person of faith in our narcissistic, materially oriented, utilitarian society.

In this thought-provoking work, the rabbi investigates the dual nature of man through an in-depth analysis of the apparent contradictions in the portrayals of Adam in each of the two creation stories presented in the Book of Genesis. In the first Genesis account, Adam I is commanded to dominate the earth. In the second account, Adam II is placed in the Garden of Eden in a close relationship to God. Adam I is described as a technologically sophisticated, utilitarian secular figure, while Adam the II is represented as a more spiritual creature in touch with the Divine.

According to Rabbi Soloveitchik, this textual disparity represents the fundamental paradox integral to the human condition. Man is driven simultaneously by two conflicting urges: his desire to dominate the world and fulfill his practical needs on the one hand, and a quest for meaning which requires complete submissiveness to God, on the other. Faith is lonely because it cannot be fully understood by the secularly-oriented aspect of the human psyche intent on controlling the environment. So the human being both craves faith and evades it.

As the essay unfolds, the rabbi delves into an ever-deepening analysis of the internal experience of those who seek both creative, domination-inspired engagement with the world, and redemptive closeness with God. With characteristic brilliance, he delineates the person of faith’s lifelong struggle to navigate between the spiritual and the material, the religious and the scientific, the covenantal and the majestic.

What made Rabbi Soloveitchik lonely?

A close reading of this work reveals its author as a man torn between two conflicting aspects of the human condition. Within his life, Rabbi Soloveitchik stood out as “a man of faith” in touch with the human need for submissive faith in God, even as he proactively engaged with the modern world intent on shedding this component of its existence. The rabbi writes in his memoir, “I am lonely because, in my humble, inadequate way, I am a man of faith for whom to be means to believe…. Apparently, in this role as a man of faith, I must experience a sense of loneliness which is of a compound nature.” [1]

The rabbi’s loneliness stemmed from the inability of the secular society he inhabited to come to terms with the notion of faith so fundamental to his existence. However, the way I see it, the rabbi’s loneliness was more than just the outcome of his experience of faith, but also a necessary prerequisite for him to reach ever deeper levels in this faith. In my evaluation, man can only truly connect to God from a place of aloneness, from a place of connection to one’s self, a silent place devoid of extraneous distractions. Thus, even the solitude so profoundly experienced by Rabbi Soloveitchik was dual in nature: it functioned both as a means of furthering his connection to God, and as an inevitable outcome of each level of connection he achieved.

My perspective on the loneliness-creativity connection

The nucleus of the word “loneliness” is “alone,” and it is only by silencing the voices external to oneself, that man can connect to his own inner core. As I suggested above, this state of aloneness is a prerequisite for the human being to develop his personal relationship with God, achieve true faith, and find fulfillment in his capacity as the spiritually-oriented Adam II. But there is even more to loneliness than this. This loneliness is necessary as well in order for a person’s creativity and unique style of expression and interaction to begin to blossom, allowing him to find fulfillment even in his role as the creative Adam I. Thus, the loneliness intrinsic to the life of the man of faith, is actually a gift that enables him to find fulfillment on every level.

1-bit Loneliness By Joseph Horak Mac Os 11

Loneliness stems from the awareness of our own unique individuality. In the words of Rabbi Soloveitchik, “‘to be,’ by definition, ‘means to be the only one, singular and different, and consequently lonely.” But this loneliness, grim as it might seem to us sometimes, is what enables us to live our lives most profoundly: remaining true to ourselves even while interacting with the community, and humbly relying on God – the true source of creativity – even while engaged in “majestic” pursuits.

On some level or another, each one of us is “a lonely man of faith.” The role of loneliness in our lives is to mobilize us into finding our truest selves, seeking the solace of God, and wielding our unique form of creativity to fulfill the Godly mandate of conquering nature. Every person experiences this gift of loneliness in his own unique way.

Personally, this idea resonates with me strongly, as it is the sense of loneliness I experience in my quest to preserve the heritage of Sephardic Jewry that powers my creative drive to research, write and produce. Although I have many colleagues who are active in this realm as well, and equally as passionate as I to keep the Sephardic heritage alive, I feel utterly alone in the sense of urgency I ascribe to this mission. My awareness that the future of our community is contingent upon a solid understanding of our history and roots is what fuels my deep concern for the next generation. As today turns into tomorrow and the present morphs into the future, my sense of urgency deepens. And so does my sense of loneliness.

But it is precisely this feeling that propels me to reach out to God for assistance, and to reach inward in discovery of my deepest wellsprings of creativity.

1-bit Loneliness By Joseph Horak Mac Os Pro

Praying at the kever of Rabbi Soloveitchik Boston, Massachusetts, September 21, 2014. (Darcie Davida-Giborah Nadav-Sasson)

1-bit Loneliness By Joseph Horak Mac Os 7

[1] Lonely Man of Faith, Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Crown Publishing Group, page 4-5.

1-bit Loneliness By Joseph Horak Mac Os Update

Edited by Brocha Speyer