1. Simulacra Iris Os Version

Dear Customer, The new macOS version named “Big Sur” is now available but is working only with 64-bits applications. The latest version of IRIScan Mouse for Mac is only a 32-bits application. If you wish to keep using IRIScan Mouse for Mac we advise you not to upgrade your Mac OS to Big Sur.The software is compatible with macOS 10.13 and macOS 10.14. The Mac demo downloads work in High Sierra (10.13.6) and above. All plugins are Adobe CC compatible, FCP 10.4 to 10.5 compatibile, Resolve 16 to 17 compatible and 64-bit native. If you are on anything older than these, email us at sales@digitalanarchy and we can send you a compatible version, if.

Simulacra Iris Os Version

VAO Closeout Repository‎ > ‎

Iris SED Tool

Iris is a downloadable Graphical User Interface (GUI) application that allows the astronomer to build and analyze wide-band Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs). SED data may be loaded into Iris from a file on the user's local disk, from a remote URL, or imported directly from the NASA Extragalactic Database (NED) for analysis. A Plug-in component enables users to extend the science function of Iris. Communication between Specview and Sherpa is managed by a Simple Application Messaging Protocol (SAMP) connection. Data can also be read into Iris and can be written out via the SAMP interface. A separable library for SED i/o (SEDLib) is also included and available independently from Iris.

SAO/CXC -- Sherpa modeling and fitting, SEDImporter, SEDLib
IPAC -- NED SED Services
Please send comments and questions to the CXC HelpDesk at http://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/helpdesk/


Post VAO development:
SAO/CXC will maintain the Iris SED Tool at cxc.harvard.edu/iris/
Download the tar file for your computer platform from the links below, following the directions in the Downloading and Installing Iris user documentation:
  • iris-2.0.1-unix-x86_64.tar.gz Linux (64 bit)
  • iris-2.0.1-unix-i386.tar.gz Linux (32 bit)
  • iris-2.0.1-macosx-x86_64.tar.gz Mac OS X Intel (64 bit)
  • iris-2.0.1-macosx-i386.tar.gz Mac OS X Intel (32 bit)
To validate the build, run the Iris Smoke Test (directions here)
To build and develop Iris from the source code, follow the directions here. For more help, contact us at the CXC HelpDesk address above.
Browse source code
Linux or Mac OSX 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8 -- 32 or 64-bit systems
Java, v1.6 or higher (there are special instructions for installing Iris on Mac OS X 10.5 running Java v1.5)
tarball ~60 MB

SEDLib- a downloadable library available from the Iris web page. Currently written to the IVOA Spectrum Data Model 1.03 standard. The library provides a base set of classes as well as a high level API which allows users to easily create and manipulate SED data. Supported serialization formats are VOTable and FITS.
(SEDLib repsository page: https://sites.google.com/site/usvirtualobservatory/home/iris-sed-tool/sedlib)
(User docs website: http://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/iris/sedlib/)
NED SED Information Discovery Request - Based upon IVOA Simple Spectral Access Protocol (SSAP) Recommendation Version 1.04 (IVOASSAP). The request uses two parameters: POS which is delivered a string containing RA and DEC, and a SIZE parameter which specifies the cone angle (degrees). SIZE establishes a search volume that is a Circular Spherical Cone. Information returned includes a VOTable information object containing a list of NED Object Identifiers (Names), a count of photometric SED measurements available for this Object, and the URI (ACREF) for the SED Data Retrieval request (accessSED).
(Website: http://vo.ned.ipac.caltech.edu/SED_Service/)
Development, Build and Test Documents:
Download and Installation
special download instructions for Mac OS X 10.5 + Java 1.5 systems here
Build from source code
Test plans and results (plans in black, results in red)
Use Case document
The following are the requirements and design documents for Iris components.
NED SED Services
Specview-Sherpa Access
Sherpa SAMP Module

User documentation:
  • Iris v2.0 Tutorial Part 1 -- Building SEDs (Youtube)
  • Iris v2.0 Tutorial Part 2 -- Modeling and Fitting (Youtube)