• Operation, update your computer to R 3.2.2 for Mac OS X 10.9 or higher. Install 'IsotopeR' and the following dependencies (packages: fgui, runjags, ellipse, plotrix, colorspace) using the following code in R.
  • MS Project was designed and optimized specifically for the Windows operating system. Building project management software for Macs wasn’t Microsoft’s concern. In fact, the last time that there was a version of Microsoft Project for Apple users was back in 1993 with Microsoft Project 4.0 for Mac.
  • Seabirds are a highly endangered group of vertebrates; they are more threatened than any other group of bird. However, the Common Murre is one species that is showing an increasing population trend; I found that Common Murres have shown a significant increase in δ15N since 1994, in contrast to the threatened Marbled Murrelet, which has a similar biology but has shown decreasing δ15 N values.

Dark and rainy outside, so perfect for some creative installing of MAC OS X on a OLD Pentium 4 RARE JEWEL laptop with SiS Chipset. How things will go you wi. Researchers use isotope techniques to help ensure clean freshwater in Pampanga COVID-19 underscores the need for freshwater for health and hygiene; thus constant water shortages in various parts of the country are not only inconvenient but also pose a threat to efforts in preventing the pandemic.

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Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects


Seabirds are a highly endangered group of vertebrates; they are more threatened than any other group of bird. However, the Common Murre is one species that is showing an increasing population trend; I found that Common Murres have shown a significant increase in δ15N since 1994, in contrast to the threatened Marbled Murrelet, which has a similar biology but has shown decreasing δ15 N values that typically correlate with declining population size. This is potentially due to sexual dimorphism that allows for the Common Murre to fill a larger niche. While I found no statistical difference between male and female isotope values, further evaluation could be used to see if this larger niche is a result of other factors. Stable isotope analysis of δ13C and δ15N is one way to investigate these population trends since they are capable of showing foraging habit (inshore vs. offshore) along with trophic level. Unfortunately, as of now, there is no standardized way to sample feathers for isotope analysis, and it has been shown that different locations on the feather show different isotope values which correlate with the melanin concentration of the location. I found a consistent offset in δ13C between the tip and base of the feathers sampled. This offset could lead to slight differences in interpretation of the foraging strategy being used by the bird. Since seabirds are in such a threatened position, it is important to have a paramount understanding of their habits possible to ensure the best conservation efforts are being utilized.

Recommended Citation

Gosciak, Kimberly, 'Stable Isotopes in Seabirds' (2015). Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects. 155.

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Biology Commons, Ornithology Commons


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Important Note: DOST Administrative Order 001 series of 2014


The Isotope Project (2015) Mac Os 11

Technetium 99m (Tc-99m) Generator Facility

The DOST-PNRI Technetium 99m (Tc-99m) Generator Facility will pave the way for cheaper and more available supplies of radiopharmaceuticals in the country. Once it becomes operational, the Tc-99m facility will be able to supply more than 40 hospitals in the Philippines which are equipped with nuclear medicine facilities. The local production of these radiopharmaceuticals will also save the medical industry up to around 20 percent of the average cost for imported Tc-99m.

Technetium 99m is a medical radioisotope generated from Molybdenum 99. With a short half-life of 6 hours, the radioisotope emits gamma radiation which makes it very useful as a tracer in helping to diagnose various physical ailments and abnormalities at the early stages. Combined with gamma cameras, the Technetium 99m allows doctors to scan and provide an image of various organs in the body. Over 80 percent of the world’s nuclear diagnostic imaging procedures rely on this radiopharmaceutical, with its applications ranging from lung, bone and renal scintigraphy, liver scanning, DMSA and DTPA renal scanning, gastroesophageal reflux, continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, among others.
For more information, please contact:

Isotope Techniques Section
Nuclear Services Division
Telephone: Trunkline (+632) 929-6010 to 19 local 248
