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Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Encounters Mac Os Download



Encounters Mac Os Download


First Encounters was the first game to use procedural texturing to generate the vegetation, snow and other features on the planet surfaces. Mountain ranges, cliffs and alien landscapes and visual effects all contributed to the atmosphere of the game. If you have access to a Mac running OS X Yosemite or older it is possible to see old versions of Mac OS X in the Mac App Store. Yosemite, Mavericks and Mountain Lion can all be seen here. You can find frantic shooters, low-key indies, grand strategy behemoths, and much more for your Mac. Here are the best Mac games you should have in 2021.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

When your computer encounters a serious problem that normal troubleshooting methods can’t fix, you can try installing a fresh copy of your macOS to resolve it. If you want to install the latest macOS version that was previously installed on your computer, just press Command + R when restarting your Mac to pull up the macOS Recovery dialog. As a Mac user, you will encounter Mac OS X in many different forms: When viewing the desktop When you’re browsing through files Through the Mac’s search function (called “Spotlight”).

Date of Graduation

Summer 2015

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Department of History


Yongguang Hu

Encounters Mac OS


The vast number of Cinderella variants across the world is staggering and almost unfathomable. Hundreds of versions exist all across the world including Africa, Europe, and Asia. Most people are familiar with the modern Cinderella version written by a French author in the 17th century. But unbeknownst to a majority of the population, this story dates back centuries ago from earlier time periods. One of the earliest written accounts of the Cinderella story was found in China about 850-860 A.D and the name of the protagonist was Yeh-hsien, instead of Cinderella. By means of comparative textual analysis, three versions of Cinderella from across the world in pre-modern societies (Egyptian, Indian, & Chinese) will be examined for cultural traces and methods of diffusion. I will then briefly attempt to establish my case from the textual evidence that it is possible to examine evidence for cross-cultural encounters in pre-modern societies.

Recommended Citation

Kim, Jae Ho, 'Cinderella: The study of cross-cultural encounters in pre-modern societies' (2015). Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019. 13.

Included in

Chinese Studies Commons, Cultural History Commons, Translation Studies Commons


To view the content in your browser, please download Adobe Reader or, alternately,
you may Download the file to your hard drive.

NOTE: The latest versions of Adobe Reader do not support viewing PDF files within Firefox on Mac OS and if you are using a modern (Intel) Mac, there is no official plugin for viewing PDF files within the browser window.

Mac vs Windows

Macintosh and Windows are two different computer systems, and they run on different operating systems. A Mac computer runs on a Unix-based operating system that is designed and sold by Apple. The operating system being used currently for Macs is Mac OS X, and it is designed around graphic interface. The Windows-based computers operate on different operating systems which are made by Microsoft, and some of these are: Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. These Windows-based operating systems can be used on a variety of PCs which are widely used.

Mac computers have a built-in security system and are less prone to attacks by viruses most of which come from the Internet. Mac OS X was designed with security as the top priority, and this was successfully achieved. Computers running on Windows do not come with their own security, and one has to purchase antivirus software for protection against viruses which have to be updated everyday to ensure that they can handle the latest virus threats. PCs that run on Windows are widely used, and this is another reason why many viruses are designed to attack them. These viruses cannot attack Macs since the two operate using different file types. Windows is also more vulnerable to being hacked by other people who may want to access some information from your computer.

Since Macs are designed around a graphical user interface, they are mostly used for graphics and multimedia services like photo editing, and that explains why Photoshop was first used in Macs. They can also be used for educational purposes since they are easier to use. Windows is widely used for most office functions as it is best suited for office use.
Macs are more expensive than Windows for computers with the same specifications. The initial costs of Macs are expensive because they come with many built-in features like security systems unlike Windows where you have to purchase the antivirus software separately. Macs also have more applications than Windows, and this also adds to the cost. However, Macs normally give the owners value for their money in the long term since they are usually designed to stay for long and can run the latest software available in the market. Windows PCs that are a bit older cannot run the latest software, and one has to constantly upgrade the hardware or buy a new PC.

Troubleshooting in Macs is very easy because they have very good architecture and simplicity. If a given application running in Macs encounters a problem, it is normally detected and repaired automatically. Windows architecture is very complex, and troubleshooting may even take days. If a certain problem causes a Mac not to boot, the problem is easily solved by reinstalling the system only. For Windows, you have to reinstall the system and all other applications.


1.Macs are made by Apple, Inc. while Windows is made by Microsoft.

2.Macs have a built-in security system while this is separately purchased for Windows.
3.Windows is normally used for business use while Macs are mostly used for graphics and multimedia services.
4.For the same specifications, Macs are more expensive than Windows PCs.
5.Troubleshooting is easier in Macs than in Windows.

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